Whether investigating insurance claims, internal issues involving a business or a personal matter relating to family/friend/acquaintance, private detectives are routinely involved in uncovering some aspect of fraud. This type of investigation is an adversarial process since the subject of investigation is going to try and elude detection.

Here are some tips to follow if you are conducting your own investigation with or without the help of a licensed professional investigator:

  1. Smile and be nice to the fraudster!  It is completely disarming.
  2. If possible, talk to the fraudster last, and do your homework first, esp. background on the subject of investigation.
  3. Develop a fraud theory. In order to successfully investigate a suspected case of fraud, it is vital to have a theory of what occurred.

These tips will help you get started on the road to investigating fraud.  Check back on this blog periodically for more on this and other subjects of mutual interest.

Research North, Inc. (RNI), is a professional private detective service providing support to the business community, the insurance industry and individuals in Michigan and Wisconsin since 1981. The company also offers pre-employment background checks to small and medium sized businesses through a subsidiary called Backgroundcheckswork.com that is fully staffed by professional investigators who are retired from law enforcement.

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